Tiara Exclusives Information
Each district sales office was given a special item on a quarterly basis or more often.
These items may be listed and they may not. Hostess items are all listed as many of them were to be regular items or were in previous years. Special colors of many items were made as incentives for the Tiara Associates.
Tiara also gave the Associates: Glass Vouchers, Fur coats, Rings, Pins, Trophies, Vacations, Cars, Pins, Clocks, Televisions, Stereos, Copiers, Cars, Luggage, and many, many other items. The gifts were based on sales and/or recruits.
Tiara sold candles for the last few years of their 28 years. It is our personal opinion the downfall of the company started when they closed the hand shop at Indiana glass in 1984 and jobbed out the hand work. The quality of glass dropped drastically and there were lots of imports of glass to make up for the loss of some hand-made items. The candles brought the final blow by offering items you could buy in any store and pay less for them. The Exclusives was no longer needed in the name.
Now the glass items are being collected by all and we hope you enjoy all the time and effort put into making this data come together for you, the collector or former associate.
How to price the glassware?
We make no attempt to put a real market value on any item. However, we do give you an approximate price or value to use as a basis.The Ruby Sandwich was handmade in 1970 only, and if you have any item you can ask any price you choose.
The Amber Sandwich items were made the longest and in very large quantities and most items sell at (handmade 15%) the catalog prices. There are some exceptions to the rule ( Large & Small Basket, and Wine set are below catalog).
The Crystal & Colonial Blue (bicentennial) Sandwich items sell 30% over catalog.
The Chantilly Green Sandwich is 15%-20% over catalog.
The Peach & Spruce Sandwich items are the newest and at or below the catalog prices except for the handmade or limited editions.
The Crown Dinnerware in Imperial Blue have been selling at 10% over of the catalog prices.
The Ponderosa Pine Dinnerware is the most flexible in pricing. Either you love it and collect it or hate it and sell it at any price to get rid of it. We say the catalog price is the most accurate way to price.
The average Basket is $55.00 for most patterns and colors.
The Vases are $30.00 – $50.00 for most patterns and colors.
The Honey Boxes are the most difficult items to price. They have sold from $15.00 to $325.00 each, so there is no way to give a price, as it will depend upon supply and demand.
For all other items you can price them and see if they sell.
Remember the special colors and items will bring better prices than the common ones.
Just a note that not all items listed on the web as Tiara really are.
Our favorite example is the Hen on a nest. It was NEVER a Tiara Exclusives item.