In July of 1970 Tiara Exclusives was started as a home party plan.
Tiara's Sandwich pattern began as the focal point of the entire line. It was originally introduced in the 1970 catalog in Ruby.
A limited selection of items was available at the time. Since then Golden Amber, Crystal, Bicentennial Blue, Chantilly Green,
Peach, Spruce and Plum have been offered, keeping pace with the ever changing palettes in home decorating.
Sandwich Glass originated at the Boston and Sandwich Glass Company in Sandwich, Massachusetts.
Deming Jarvis had his intricate, lacy designs hand-cut into iron molds, and by utilizing his original hand-pressing process,
began manufacturing the first hand-pressed glass ever made in 1825.
Nearly 150 years later, Tiara Exclusives, with molds designed by the Indiana Glass Company in the 1920's, introduced its line of sparkling Sandwich. Among
that group of 1920's molds were many popular items including: the Tumbler, Goblet, Vegetable Bowl,
Snack Set and the basic Starter set which included Dinner Plates, Salad Plates, Saucers, and Cups.
The hand molds have been replaced with machine sets and new ones added to accommodate the growing
demand for this nostalgic pattern.
Tiara was a glass selling business. They never made any glass. The company was owned by Lancaster Colonies Co.,
a Fortune 500 company. They also own Indiana Glass Co., Bartlett Collins & Fostoria Colony.
Tiara contracted with many companies to make their glass. Here are the ones we know of:
Indiana Glass Co. (closed 2002) Sister company, now owned by Anchor Hocking
Fostoria Glass Co. (closed 1987)
Fostoria Colony (New Name) Sister company
Dalzell-Viking Glass (closed)
Fenton Art Glass
L.E. Smith Glass
Pilgrim Glass (Closed)
Bartlett Collins (Glass Production, Design Printing) Sister company.
Hazel Atlas Co.
Durand (France).
Tiara imported glass from Anna Hutte' in Germany and Fostoria Colony Glass from Germany, Hungary, Romania & Turkey. (under Colony Glass)
Tiara sold their sandwich dinnerware in the following colors:
Ruby (1970 only, handmade)
Amber (1971 - 1989)
Colonial Blue (Bicentennial) Limited Edition of 15,000 sets or less (1976 only)
Crystal ( 1978, 1985, 1993-1998)
Chantilly Green (1982 - 1991)
Peach (1989-1998) (not pink)
Spruce (1993-1998)
Plum 1999 (Home Interiors)
There were also special Sandwich items made in Yellow Mist, Teal, Etched Crystal, Pine Green, Vintage Blue,
Riviera Blue, Regal Blue, Ice Blue, Sea Mist Green, Hazel Brown, Platinum, Pink, Black, Sienna, Decorated Blue,
Decorated Pink, Decorated Ruby and Decorated Gold.
The other companies that were making non-glass items for Tiara Exclusives were:
American Design & Engineering Co. (Metal Items)
Candle-lite (candles & wax) Sister company
McCoy Pottery (ceramic items) Sister company
Mid-Atlantic Glass Corp. (Marbles)
Fort USA (Cast Pewter)
Susquehanna Glass (Glass Engraving)
There were silk flowers (imported), Resin House (imported) and Place Mats (imported) Plaster Statues (imported)
Indiana Glass closed it's doors in November 2002 after a very long labor dispute.
The production of the Indiana Glass items will continue at the Bartlett Collins Factory owned by Lancaster Colonies Corp.
Indiana Glass & Bartlett Collins are now part od Anchor Hocking. Some of the Indiana Glass molds went to Fenton Glass.
From Tiara Topics 1981